Tuesday 10 July 2012

What's in a name?

We are now five weeks from D Day.

Yep, that is soon.

Checklists have been made, rooms have been painted, birthplans have nearly been written (I think, 'No idea, never done it before but would like everyone to be happy and safe' covers it generally). We are so close to being ready.

The one thing we have no clue on? The kid's name.

It started with the ex issue - do we rule out all names of people we used to go out with. I thought yes, knowing full well that Steve's past girlfriends all had vanilla names anyway. Steve said no, reasoning that with my dating history there would be no male names left.

It was a good start I am sure you will agree.

Then we discovered that we liked girls names. We have a girls name. In fact we have 10 girls names. They are easy peasy. But, as you know, this one is boy flavoured and, despite my suggestions, Steve thinks it would be cruel to call a boy a totally female name. Me, I think he would like to be called Primrose.

The problem is that we just don't agree.

I like good names.

Steve likes rubbish ones.

Our evenings are spent firing suggestions at each other:









The poor boy is destined to be called Baby Boy. Which at this point is starting to sound pretty good.


KatieE said...

Same here Livy. 6 years we've been trying and the list of names got bigger and bigger, we're now 4 weeks away from our miracle arriving, team yellow, and no idea on boys or girls names!?

Hannah said...

Just to warn you, don't spend TOO much time on your birth plan. When having my daughter I started out in a birthing centre, transferred to hospital by ambulance and then ended up with an emergency c section, and not once did anybody even ask to see my lovingly planned and very thorough one! Although I didn't care after being in labour for three days before even getting to the birthing centre lol. Good luck with the name! If Belle had been a boy she won have been Ted. My husband said he would have agreed to it after my mammoth labour. Ha! x

Unknown said...

we are the other way round boys names were never a problem, girl's names on the other hand total nightmare--and guess what we are having a girl, wish me luck!