Thursday 5 May 2011

No no no....

As you may be aware - Livy lika da names. A lot.

So you can understand that what I say isn't meant maliciously...

Mariah, I understand that you are probably very tired, very happy and very hormonal so I am going to cut you some slack - Monroe for your girl twin isn't the best but, OK, it is an actual name and not totally heinous. But your boy twin.... Moroccan? Seriously?

It isn't a name, it isn't even a noun, it is an adjective and nationality! And your reason behind it? That the top-tier of your New York City apartment has Moroccan-inspired décor? I could have maybe have forgiven 'Morroco' but Moroccan Cannon? Mimi just got madder.....


Peridot said...

Slebs - they're a breed apart. Luckily. What's the chance he changes his name to Mike as soon as he's legally able? I bet you wouldn't get good odds on that.


Unknown said...

Ha. Exactly my thoughts!
Moroccan Scott. *sigh*

Oh, by the way, I'm expecting twins too, and if the second one turns out to be a girl (please keep your fingers crossed!) it will be named - tadaaa - Olivia. Yay.

Jade said...

I'm with you there! What did those poor kids ever do eh?! How the hell would you even shorten 'Morrocan'??! It's not just celebs though... I know of twin BOYS called Miami and Monaco. Ho yes. Boys.