Wednesday 14 November 2012

He was more than a little offended..

I took Rex to the clinic. In theory we are meant to go every week but, since the health visitor stopped visiting us at 6 weeks, I haven't bothered. I am an attentive mother like that.

Anyway, we went. We dutifully lined up and waited. We got to the front where you basically strip your baby and pop them on the scales; it is a dignified activity.

The health visitor, a smiley lady with a singsong voice, looked at the scales:

Health Visitor: So, 13lb 13oz. Let me just write it down on my chart. There. Wait... Tilly is only 3 weeks old...

Me: Umm...

HV: ...and last week she was only 7lb 4oz...

Me: Umm...

HV: ...that is a a 6lb 9oz weight gain in only a week...

Me: Um...

HV: Oh my goodness! What could have caused that weight gain?!

Me: (Looking at naked Rex on the scales) Maybe the penis that 'Tilly' grew in the week..

1 comment:

Peridot said...

A 6lb penis sounds pretty scary!