Thursday, 15 July 2010

A shout out

To my lovely sister Lola!

Today is her birthday and she turns an impressive 23!

Love you Wishstar!

See you when we get into London Town later. Italian for tea?


ps isn't she gorgeous?

And, as I am going through old photos, here are two more, one from Lola's graduation in 2008:

And one from mine in 2005:

Incidentally, I like my hair in both.

And, sod it, a final one, from when we were both little, and yes, I am trying to choke her, just a little bit:

Disturbingly my hair seems not to have changed much in 23 years...


Lola said...

Yay! Thank you very much! Ps I also like your hair in all 3, I'm not too sure about mine in the last one though....

ladyfriend said...

Ah..sisterly love! Lovely. Oh to be 23 again...just a little poppet. x

Gaynor {Our Day by Design} said...

Happy Birthday Lola!