Sunday 20 February 2011


In preparation for the wedding, both Steve and I have been trying to eat healthily and work out crazily. This officially started way back in the depths on September but really only got going the first week of January.

Now, as documented in the comments of my favourite wedding site Rock My Wedding, I am a big fan of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It is pure evil but by god it works, a dress size down since January = happy happy Livy.

The thing is, the work out is brutal, each move is compound meaning everything aches. And aches some more.

To start with, I would battle through with Steve laughing at me but then things changed.

A spell of icy mornings meant that Steve couldn't go for his 6am run so I innocently suggested that he did the DVD, it's only 20 minutes long, and, after all, he was sure it was super easy.

Now he no longer laughs.

And listening to him doing the DVD is the funniest thing ever. He huffs and puffs and growls and occasionally you'll hear:
'Five more? Fuck off!'

'Jillian you evil sadistic bitch'

And my favourite, at one point on Level 3, Jillian tells you to remember why you wanted to do this in the first place and focus on that:

'I've changed my mind Jillian, I want to be fat, lazy and happy!'

And that is why I love him and why, in less than one week, I will be proud to be his Mrs.

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